
Build Your Relationships

Social media and the internet creates unstoppable connection between the private and public, why not embrace it? Pick The Real 8 and begin to create your future with purpose.

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You Say I’m Just a Friend?

What’s  in a word? Well, the word “Friend” means different things to different people. Learn how to scaffold your relationships, nurture your friendships, work relationships and professional networks. You are worth it! And so are your friends!

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People Power

Want to get started thinking about your development as a friend? Learn more about personal coaching and quick steps you can take now  to get started.

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We are in a social media age. Ideas, images, and life moments shared all the time with the people around us… but how do those people relate to us?

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Join the REAL 8 Challenge!

The purpose of the Challenge:

  • Challenge your professional and personal comfort zones
  • Find your “Friendship Gaps” and “Team Talent”
  • Nudge your networks

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