Precious Moments

Tools: purpose, people, passion  and a precious moment.

In 2015, history was happening. Many of the people I know were galvanized to community action by the recent county budget crisis. Locally people were joining board meetings, testifying on behalf of themselves and their community, and standing up against injustice. By June, all this fantastic energy spurred me to run for office. 

It was a really precious moment for me.

I chose June 10th as the day to make it all official. That morning was balmy and hot. It was the last day of the first week to declare your candidacy in the County. Going to the election headquarters would be a vital and necessary step, letting the world (or at least North Carolina) know that I was ready for change!

I needed to dress the part of a leader and a listener. I needed to be on time. I needed to not get so nervous that I backed out at the last minute. Mostly, I needed the support of a team rallying behind me in the midst of what was already proving to be a contentious battle for school board.  

My best friend rode quietly beside me during the 15 minute drive. Occasionally, she would say a cheerful word. Mostly she was telling me to get on with it. She, in her no nonsense way, would never let me back down from a challenge. As we pulled into the parking lot I finally felt right. Why? Because exiting from five different cars were a merry band of supporters from all over the county, who were excited to join me, hold signs and lift me up with laughter and cheers as I walked into the election office. What had filled me with trepidation, was manifested as moment of joy and purpose. I firmly signed my name, declaring myself as a committed candidate for office with the support of a committed team.

A precious moment meaning that clarity of purpose, people and passion inspired me to think beyond my current circumstance to imagine a larger role of leadership in my community. I built of team of like minded individuals who met weekly, planned and canvassed with me. It was awesome.

Our Sunday meetings often lasted for hours over pineapple ginger ale punch and gluten-free desserts. Over the course of five months we built lasting connections. It required that we talk daily, share ideas and compromise with each other. It was an honor to work with the 10 people of the team.We were pumped and passionate and notable because none of us looked or sounded the same, and yet we were a vision of a better system. I didn’t win which kind of means we didn’t win. Well, at least not the campaign for elected leadership. But I did win in creating connection and realizing that the value of those relationships did not stop with the election day.

It was a precious moment that changed the way I looked at relationship building and helped me become a better collaborator.

That moment changed the team and the community we live and work in everyday. We continue to stay connected, sharing opinions and ideas, and encouraging each other to try new things. It also helped me master Google docs, which has had long lasting implications as well.

I ask you today to consider your precious moments. Who was there with you as your passion, purpose and people aligned?

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