What’s in a Coach?: Realizing a Need

Sometimes, when I wake up, I wish that there was someone to give me a quick motivational moment.

On Monday, they would wake me up at 6:05 am saying: You got this! Own this week, starting right now! Do a morning stretch and meditate for 20 minutes.

On Tuesday, they would call a little after 7:00 am and remind me to make healthy choices and eat a good breakfast.

On Wednesday, a text message to encourage positive thinking!

And so would go my imaginary week full of motivation and positivity.  Most of us don’t have a personal life cheerleader helping to shape better behavior. Instead we try to start new habits, doing our best to live in practical and healthy ways. 

There may come a time when you realize that you can’t do it alone and you need some help. Just as athletes call in coaches to define and refine their skills and craft, a life coach is a service that helps you move from feeling motivated to owning achievement. 

Here at The Real 8 we have developed our “GET R.E.A.L.” process designed to push your thinking, change your habits, and help you cultivate a vision of success with tangible strategy.  We invite you to learn more about our services and products designed for the professional who is ready to move into their purpose.

Check out our “What’s in a Coach?” series for proven strategies and tools!


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